
Imprint of the website

Name: Dirk Böttcher
Street: Gehegegraben 28
Postcode/City: 21147 Hamburg
Country: GERMANY

Telephone: +49 40 7965912 (private phone – no support for software Ahnenblatt)

Email: dirk.boettcher (at)

Support requests for the Ahnenblatt program:
Email: support (at) (in advance see FAQ)

The contents of this internet project have been carefully checked and created to the best of our knowledge. For the presented information no claim to completeness, topicality, quality and correctness is raised. No responsibility can be accepted for damages resulting from reliance on the contents of this website or its use.

This internet project is part of the internet and therefore linked to external, constantly changing websites, which consequently are not subject to this area of ​​responsibility and do not apply to the above imprint data. The fact that the links violate neither morals nor laws, was tested exactly once, namely at the time of recording. Such links that lead to third-party websites are generally recognized by the fact that a new browser window opens.

Copyright infringement:
If you suspect that this website infringes any of your intellectual property rights, please inform me immediately by email so that remedial action can be taken quickly. The time-consuming involvement of a lawyer or “Abmahnvereins” to pay for the service provider warning does not correspond to his real or presumptive will.

The data privacy policy can be found here.
